I’m Back…. :)

Hello My Friends,
Ok, I admit it….I’ve been MIA for way too long, as our friend Dorothy kindly reminded me last night. Soo, here I go with some sharing with apologies for being absent for such a long time.

Over the past several months I have come to accept and realize many, many things. Some were fairly simple things, others, not so easy. One of the greatest things I have learned is that growth occurs and lessons are learned during those “not so easy” times, and that we should accept these times as blessings in disguise. I have adopted the saying, “I am appreciative and grateful for all things.” as my daily mantra. Believe it or not, just the saying of these words has changed my outlook on life…

I have been on a roller coaster ride of a marriage for more than a decade. I have stayed in this relationship with the hope that one day things would be lovely, but with a somewhat heavy heart, I realize now that this “marriage” was a very big learning experience for me, a huge lesson, indeed. I have accepted unacceptable for entirely too long. It has affected my health, my mind, my heart and my family and friends. You might ask, “Why? Why have you stayed in this negative environment?” My only answer is FEAR, fear of the unknown…

After my initial trip to Panama, which our Dorothy bravely chose to take with me, possibilities and dreams began to manifest. Our hearts opened to the culture, people and beauty of the country, and I / we allowed the fear that had been holding us back to take a hike. Here we were in a foreign country, with our minds in a blur of all that we could create if we only allowed ourselves the chance, and believed.

Three months later, it was time to go back to Panama for my next cancer checkup. This time our friend Debbie stepped up to the plate to go with me. She was impressed and felt a tugging on her heart as well, as we explored the sights and sounds and beauty of what this place could offer us, and what we might be able to offer back. A chance to follow the desires of long tucked away dreams and thoughts…

The three of us have been in close contact ever since, almost constantly expressing our desires and dreams. I have been to Panama twice more, both times traveling alone for my cancer checkups. As fate would have it, we have established some really wonderful, encouraging and faithful friends along the way. Those friends have served as my “extended” family the last two trips, and they have stood beside me every step of the way. I owe my gratitude to my Doctors there as well as my beautiful liaison, who has been by my side every step of the way.

In our dreaming of the possibilities that we could offer the people and visitors to this beautiful country, and believing in ourselves, things have and are still magically being placed in our collective laps. We all have our own part of the dream, and when you put the ideas together, you come up with a perfectly put-together puzzle picture.

The most recent opportunity came to me/us last month. The B&B where I have stayed for the past year on each and every visit was offered to us…the universe to me was saying, “Here you go, sweetheart, jump on this!” Without hesitation or fear, I said YES! We are now awaiting the proposal from the current owners… 🙂

In closing today, I encourage you all to be appreciative and grateful for ALL things, do NOT accept unacceptable, BELIEVE in yourself and your dreams, and let go of FEAR, for on the other side of fear is where you will find your joy!!


My Horoscope For The Week….I like it!!


by Stephanie Azaria

Doors are opening every which way right now. Do you see them? Are you taking advantage of all your opportunities? With Jupiter moving through your sign, it would be almost impossible not to. And Jupiter is a major part of the very rare planetary Star of David that is gracing us all, meaning that the options that are open to you can take you places you’ve never been before. Do your best not to make detailed decisions about anything just yet. Instead, say yes to all of it, and see where the easy paths take you. When your energy mobilizes so does the universe, and when things fall together easily, that’s your green light. At this point, with so much energy conspiring to bring you everything it can, your best bet is to let it all in without preconception.

What is luck but Grace?


Acceptable versus Unacceptable???

Throughout my life, I have often considered this question. At times we are placed or more appropriately choose positions, situations, and relationships that make us pause to reflect upon these 2 words…
I was recently in a place and time that allowed me to really begin to ponder these things and allow myself to begin to reflect back and answer these questions honestly to myself. I found that I have chosen to accept the unacceptable more times than I wish to admit. I could sit here and make a list that would curl straight hair and straighten curly hair, but I don’t feel that is necessary. What is necessary, is to look at each individual situation with an open heart and mind, and very honestly tick off the boxes following each. Happily in being completely honest, I find that most of my answers are “unacceptable”! “Happily” you say? Yes! Very happily indeed, it feels quite wonderful to be honest with one’s self. No need for reasons, excuses, or explanations, as I have had the free will to choose what I have accepted. The greatest epiphany through this time of soul searching is that I have found my voice, my strength, my protection, and the will to not accept the unacceptable anymore. The feeling is freeing, off the chain good, and exciting. To know without doubt that a leap of faith and belief is a good thing. To trust that desires are being prepared as I speak here, and that change is a good thing, because with change there comes growth and wisdom…
Opportunities present themselves in many ways, remember to choose wisely…do the things that bring happiness to your heart. We can not make others happy. We all have to find and make our own happiness, because happiness resides in our soul.


A Message Received In Panama

As you know, I recently took another trip to Panama. This time I winged it on my own, it was a spur of the moment trip with no time to coordinate plans for anyone to travel with me. As always, there are reasons for everything, all coming at the perfect time. This trip was no exception. I received many confirmations and messages along the way.
Towards the end of my stay, which was one whole month this time :), I was standing on the terrace absorbing the beauty of my surroundings, when I spotted the biggest, most beautiful hummingbird I have ever seen. I watched in wonder as he flitted from flower to flower(birds of paradise flowers), enjoying the sweet nectar of each beautiful one. Unfortunately; or perhaps fortunately I didn’t have my camera with me, because surely if I had taken a photo, he would have flown away, and I would have missed out on something totally awesome. So, I stood there very still, he reached the blossom closest to me, paused for a drink, and then flew up and hovered, looking me directly in the eyes. It brought a big smile to my face, and after he decided he had “said” enough, he flew off on his merry way. I immediately went in my room and googled hummingbird symbolism. His message spoke volumes to me. It is my hope that the hummingbird’s message will also speak to you…

Hummingbird Symbolism
The hummingbird symbolizes many different concepts. Because of its speed, the hummingbird is known as a messenger and stopper of time. It is also a symbol of love, joy, and beauty. The hummingbird is also able to fly backwards, teaching us that we can look back on our past. But, this bird also teaches that we must not dwell on our past; we need to move forward. When the hummingbird hovers over flowers while drinking nectar, we learn that we should savour each moment, and appreciate the things we love.

The hummingbird has powerful spiritual significance. In the Andes of South America the hummingbird is a symbol of resurrection. It seems to die on cold nights, but comes back to life again at sunrise.

Hummingbird is the creature that opens the heart. When the hurt that caused us to close our hearts gets a chance to heal, our hearts are free to open again.

With hummingbird consciousness, we learn the truth of beauty. Our life becomes a wonderland of delights in flowers, aromas and tastes. We laugh and enjoy creation, we appreciate the magic of the present moment, and the magic of being alive.

Hummingbird teaches us the medicinal properties of plants and how to work with the energy of flowers to heal ourselves and others. Hummingbirds teach us fierce independence. They teach us to fight in a way where no one gets hurt. They teach us courage. Having the courage to refrain from creating new trauma by communicating non-violently toward ourselves and others is an important part of healing. Recovering lost parts of ourselves enables us to become healthily independent.

It is not commonly known that the fluttering wings of the hummingbird move in the pattern of an infinity symbol – further solidifying their symbolism of eternity, continuity, and infinity.

By observing the Hummingbird, we see they are seemingly tireless. Always actively seeking the sweetest nectar, they remind us to forever seek out the good in life and the beauty in each day. Amazing migrators, some Hummingbirds are known to wing their way as far as 2000 miles to reach their destination. This quality reminds us to be persistent in the pursuit of our dreams, and adopt the tenacity of the Hummingbird in our lives.

re-blogged from:http://mara-gamiel.blogspot.com/2009/09/hummingbird-symbolism.html

With Love,


Panama, a small country the size of the state of South Carolina; however, to be so small in size, it holds great significance. It is where the world connects…
As we have all learned, everything in existence is all inter-connected. Panama for myself, is where this inter-connectedness has become so apparent to me.
It is a melting pot of sorts, so many different cultures, so many different nationalities, so much beauty, and a real sense of family, caring, generosity, and happiness. It’s no wonder that Panama is known for the quality and longevity of life there.
Panama was never on any list of desired places to visit or see for me. It was simply known to me as a place where my Uncle was stationed during his time in the service. However; the universe knew it was a place that I would visit and fall in love with, and I have. It became a place where I felt called to go for my healthcare and well being. I am so happy I made the decision to listen to my inner voice. I feel I belong there. The universe also provided me with the perfect traveling companions, as my husband won’t travel outside the United States. And, as we all know, things have a way of working for the best for us all at just the perfect time. You can’t begin to imagine the things, the connections, the people who have been placed on my path. They all play an important role in what is coming together for us there. And, it is coming…when so many things manifest right before your eyes by just writing and voicing intentions…you can’t help but to BELIEVE! So, yes, as Dorothy said in one of her previous posts…”one day I will be writing from Panama.” And, I will as well.
I will close for now, but will be posting again soon with some pictures from my recent trip.
It is my hope that you will be encouraged to write and voice your own intentions, and that you will feel and hear your own inner voice when it speaks to you.
We are all inter-connected, we are all one…


Panama, Here We Come!

Hello My Friends,
Yes the time is drawing near for my next trip to Panama….

I apologize for not posting anything new for quite some time, but it has been a busy time since Dorothy and I returned from the last trip to Panama in December. This trip I get to introduce a mutual friend of mine and Dorothy’s to Panama. I feel she will fall in love with with Panama and it’s people, just as Dorothy and I did. We are departing March 6th and returning around the end of March.
As you know, I go each time for medical procedures, and this trip will include more than usual. I am so grateful to have such wonderful friends to travel with me on my journeys. I know in my heart that they are each a part of my soul family, and I treasure them as my sisters… I am so fortunate to have such wonderful women in my life. They have each touched my heart more than you can imagine. I am also so fortunate to have Lisa Gawlas in my life now, it’s like having my own personal cheer-leader whenever I need her. Many thanks to you all!

I promise to try to post about our adventures more frequently once we get there, for the first week anyway. The second week is when my surgeries will be performed, so we’ll just have to see how it goes from there. Perhaps I can persuade my travel companion to keep you all posted on how things are going 🙂

I am looking forward to my time there again. I feel like I belong there, so we shall see what opportunities present themselves along the way. In the 2 short weeks that Dorothy and I were there, we met and befriended several people with whom I’ve kept in touch and will visit with again during this next stay. Each one in their own special way have proven to be stepping stones of encouragement ,love, and opportunity. I feel their tugs on my heart strings, and I know without a doubt that they were placed along our path for special reasons.

Many thanks to Dorothy for allowing me to share here, and for those of you who choose to follow along.

With Love Always,

Happy Birthday Dorothy!


On this day a girl was born,

A beautiful bud without a thorn.

Her light shone brightly then,

But, now, it shines even brighter…

Especially when

She’s surrounded by beauty, family and friends.

Her humor brings smiles, her wisdom brings sight,

Into your own life, if you choose not to fight.

We all stand in awe of all that you hold.

We applaud you for sharing and the courage to be bold.

Hold on to your voice, your beliefs, and your paths,

They inspire us greatly,

And present us the challenge to find our own craft…

Know in your heart that you are loved every day,

By those who’ve been blessed by your kind, gentle way.

Happy Birthday My Dear!

Enjoy your day!!


With Love Always,
