About Ukraine: Kryon Speaks

You Are Dearly Loved

Many of you are asking, “What does Kryon say?” about things that are happening now, especially the incredible turn of events that are unfolding on a daily basis in the Ukraine.

First of all, my heart goes out to the citizens of that beautiful country. Some years ago I sat having coffee not too far from where the explosions of war, and the loss of life are currently taking place.

I remember it well: It was a wonderful sunny weekend in Kiev, where the celebration was all about an independence from the former Soviets. Now it seems they are again in turmoil. I have great sadness for those sweet people. I met many of them.

Kryon has told us over and over: “Two steps forward – One step back.” This was all part of what I expected in some way from a very old energy that is actually afraid of light.

Kryon has also told us to look for this: When the light starts to show itself on the planet, the old guard will raise up and try to beat it down. You might say it’s right on time.

No matter what the justifications are from the aggressor, it’s back to the old style of the former ‘conquering nations’ that our grandparents and great grandparents experienced: “If I can plant my flag on your soil, I will own your land.”

Don’t you find the timing interesting for all this? It’s like there is an emergency to the aggressor, and it had to be done NOW.

Otherwise, there could be more light from those on the planet who might stop it with the amazing amount of new consciousness starting to build. The leadership is from a very old guard, and represents an old time on our planet. Do you recognize it?

Meanwhile the press is rubbing its hands together and rolling out all the horrific “what-if’s” that might occur, as though they were actually happening now. The media is great at frightening the population, and working them into a frenzy of “staying tuned 24 hours a day.”

Watch for even more commercials during this time to take full advantage of the fear-based viewership. It’s a fear machine and it features celebrity entertainers, not journalists. Perhaps you noticed or even wondered how it is that so many journalists could look so perfect?


Kryon’s information about a bright future ahead remains intact. Nothing has changed in this message. Kryon’s timing is about groups of years and cycles, not this month or this year.

His advice is the same: HOLD THE LIGHT and don’t let others frighten you. SEND LIGHT to those who need it, giving compassionate action to the field of the planet.

When you turn on the light, the darkness shows. Seen any? What used to happen regularly 80 years ago is inhumane and unconscionable today. A peaceful and beautiful Earth will recover from this. It’s a time that Kryon spoke of, and told you about.

You can be frightened or you stand strong and send the light. Your choice. But make no mistake; This is exactly the kind of thing Kryon spoke of that OLD SOULS are needed for right now.

We are not helpless. We are Lightworkers, and bringers of light to a darkness that really wants to stay here. The dark-light fight is here.

Give it time. Darkness doesn’t have a chance.

A Time For Releasing What No Longer Serves

This. I feel this in many aspects of my life. Much is on the way out: things in my personal life, family-related situations, people I know or are simply acquainted with, community-wide activity, globally, culturally. Everything is changing or on the way out. Much in our lives no longer fit, no longer work, or have outlived their usefulness.

My blog is included in this. Ten years ago, I began this blog by pushing the post button with a shaking finger. So nervous to speak out. I feared being judged, misjudged, or incompetant. Scared to put myself out in the public. I have grown so much since that moment and am no longer that girl, though she is still inside me–albeit now a far more confident and calmer aspect.

It was the first of many things I did that I was terrified to do, but did anyway, after years and years of repressing my desires and creativity out of fear. I have tested myself and pushed myself over these past ten years and grown. A lot.

Lately, I have been feeling an idea burbling inside. Was it time to let this blog go? Had it served its purpose? Have I learned all I can from it? This morning, I had the answer as I listened to the above video. It became very clear. I began this blog with Eloheim and Veronica as my teachers and I am now ready to stop maintaining this space with the impetus of this recent teaching. It’s time.

Over the past year, I found myself with nothing to say, nothing to add, nothing to share. The blog used to always be on my mind, all those things I wanted to write or other people’s writings I wanted to share. Now, I am quiet inside. I am simply being. Just being. Moment to moment. Without the inner voice yearning to write. And knowing that this space sits here, waiting for more of me, well, its not in me anymore. The words aren’t there.

It feels complete here. I feel complete here.

I thank you all so much for sharing space with me. This blog been a huge blessing in my life. I am proud of ten years of blogging my journey and I am ever so grateful that I was brave enough to push that button on that cold January day. I am super grateful for those who came before me and inspired me along the way. I am grateful for the learnings, the commenters, and the opportunity to share my life, heart, and soul with you all. Thank you!!

I will leave the blog up for referencing old posts until/unless I decide to do something with it, but I won’t be adding anything new after today.

May 2022 be a year for new beginnings and love expressed.

Til we meet on the other side,

Much love,


2022: The Year You Take Your Power Back

2022: The Year You Take Your Power Back ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very pleased to offer your our view of your upcoming year, the year known as 2022 on your calendars. First of all, we would like to point out that two years ago we told you that the 2020’s would be the decade of awakening, and certainly it has been by all accounts. We would also like to remind everyone of what our definition of what being awake is. To us, being awake has nothing to do with gathering information on the Internet, and it has everything to do with knowing yourselves as Source Energy Beings and seeing everyone else as Source Energy Beings as well.

Once you understand that there is no separation between you and Source and you and everyone else, then you can operate as an infinite and eternal Creator Being who has love and compassion in your heart. Being awake has nothing to do, from our perspective, with conspiracy theories. It has nothing to do with knowing about who’s really doing what behind the scenes and who is and is not a member of some dark cabal group, but we understand that sometimes those are the avenues through which people come to teachers like us, teachers who will inform you of who you really are and pound that message home, over and over again.

Therefore, we know that everything that exists, exists for a reason, and that reason is always to serve you. That being said, we would prefer for all of you if you did not look at predictions about 2022, and consciously or subconsciously put yourself on a timeline that you don’t need to be on or don’t want to be on. You don’t have to go along with what someone else says is going to happen next year just because they have a few interesting things to say about other aspects of life on planet Earth that you resonate with. But instead, make 2022 the year that you take your power back. Make it the year that you use your knowing of who you really are to create a better reality for you and for everyone else there on Earth.

Let it be the year that you step forward as the teacher, the leader, and the healer that you were meant to be, and let it be the year that you guide the newly awakened away from what does not serve them and into what does. It will always serve each and every one of you to know who you really are and to take that knowing and to put it into practice, as you are Creator Beings. You are not just there to live out a predetermined set of circumstances that will unfold before you.

You are there to choose, and one good thing that predictions do is they give you an opportunity to choose from many different timelines that are being illuminated by the one doing the predicting. Now when we say, ‘Take Your Power Back,’ we are not talking about taking it back from someone else who has taken it from you. We are talking about letting go of that whole idea that someone else could take your power away from you and realizing that you had the power within you all along.

That means that you stop waiting for something outside of to happen, like full disclosure, NESARA, GESARA, a frequency adjustment of some kind from a technology that you didn’t have access to previously, like a Med Bed. You don’t have to wait for a currency reset in order to have more than enough. You don’t have to wait for ships to land or for a solar flash or any kind of big event happening outside of you.

Now of course, you are getting help all the time. The solstice energies will help. The guides and the galactic team you have around you will continue to help, but you don’t need someone outside of you in human form to tell you that e.t.s exist and hand you a pile of cash. You get to create your version of the fifth dimension and live in it right now, but you can only do that if you acknowledge that the power existed within you all along.

And once you awaken to that, and you begin to access it, you will never want to go back to that third-dimensional type of us-vs.-them, victim-and-perpetrator mentality. It doesn’t serve you; you played the game for a while. You got to experience certain emotions because of it, but now it’s time to move on. It’s time to move on to the fifth-dimensional, oneness, unity consciousness paradigm that you are moving towards, but that you can move towards more quickly and joyously when you do so consciously, and make that what your 2022 is all about.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


Holiday Season Nostalgia

Holiday Season Nostalgia

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for Life Tapestry Creations.com

Dear Ones,

You continue to bounce between 3D, 5D, and beyond. Such is to be expected given that your earth experiences have been within 3D parameters.

Even though you are no longer comfortable in 3D, you have a need to ascertain the wisdom of moving beyond 3D in bits and pieces.

So it is during this holiday season, many of you will attempt to return to the 3D sensations you were used to only to discover that those interactions, those holiday moments feel flat and lifeless.

Returning to your 3D experiences is not bad, merely part of goodbye to your former self and society. For that which once provided you with joy will likely not any longer – at least not the same level of joy.

Perhaps you have returned to your hometown, the house you grew up in, or hometown friends – all once so important – only to realize you no longer feel a sparkle or interest. As if those friends or community were outside your being instead of within your heart.

So it is this holiday season may be dramatic for you because you will realize you are no longer of 3D and will never be again while of the earth.

You may feel confused, perhaps even frightened. For you will function as is right for you only to discover little emotional connection. In essence, going through the motions without much return.

Such is so because you are finally letting go of what was. Of course, you have been clearing bits, and pieces of your current and past earth lives for years. Even so, this holiday sensation will be a bit different for you will likely wish to celebrate the season with others, but doing so will feel as if you are in a fog, that the celebrations are not relevant to your current or future life. You will not be angry, just not that interested. And because your future interactions have not yet necessarily arrived, you will find yourself somewhat let down, hollow, perhaps even thinking, “Is That All There Is?”

The past few days, you were pummeled by more intense energies than has ever been true of any one of the earth. Those energies combined with the projected energy bursts before the end of this calendar year will be similar to polishing a diamond.

So it is you are no longer a muddy, dull stone continuing interactions on a limited 3D basis, but instead a sparkling diamond shining more daily.

Your diamond brightness is like a magnet connection to all there is – a conduit to your new earth and personal connections to the Universes.

All there is so much larger and more interesting than the 3D world. It is the difference between day and night, bright and dull, light and dark. So your former playmates and activities will seem dull and lifeless compared to your soon-to-be new life.

In this short phase, you will ask yourself what your life is about for nothing, and no one will seem that interesting or important. You will wonder where your comfort zone is – until it suddenly appears. You are completely emptying the physical vessel that was 3D you, only to refill it with wondrous miracles, new joys, and new interactions.

But for the remainder of this calendar year, you will likely feel somewhat lost emotionally and physically. As if your interests have little to attach to. As a result, you will probably attempt to return to the celebrations and people who once provided you with joy, only to discover you are too different to embrace what once was.

Do not fret or fear. You are creating a new life and being. For even though you moaned and groaned throughout most of your clearing processes, you cleared more than you thought possible. You wanted to start earth life anew without complications or fears from your 3D life. You have done so – some in years, others in months. But anyone reading this message is a cleared or nearly cleared vessel – all racing to your 2022 calendar deadline.

That is not to say you need to be completely clear to start your new world, but instead that you en masse wanted this complete clearing.

This holiday season is your last 3D hurrah allowing you to know without a doubt that what was is no more and can never be. You evolved beyond 3D grade school, and the same is happening in your new life. The difference is you do not yet know your future, so it feels more frightening.

You are a new being in a new world, nearly ready to explode into your new experiences and interests.

So do not fret that this holiday season might seem uninteresting, trying, or something you do not care about. It will be no different than returning to the first grade even though you have a high school diploma.

You are no longer a 5D or beyond beginner. You are ready to rock and roll – with a bit of nostalgia during this holiday season. So be it. Amen.

Copyright 2009-2022, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add it to your newsletter, etc. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman, and source website link: LifeTapestryCreations.com.

A Message for the Holiday Season from Arcturus

A Message for the Holiday Season from Arcturus ∞The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very attracted to other beings and collectives who are also interested in the evolution of consciousness there on Earth, throughout the galaxy, and throughout this wonderful universe of ours. We feel the attraction moving us closer, vibrationally, to those who have similar perspectives, desires, and agendas, and we come together quite naturally in that way that beings and collectives do when there is no way to call someone up and set an appointment at a particular time and on a particular day. Instead, we let our vibration be what calls others to us, and we let their vibration be what is most interesting to us, most alluring, and most satisfying.

That is not to say that we would avoid beings and collectives that were far off from us, vibrationally, but usually it will be challenging to get on the same wavelength with those others who are not vibrating in harmony with us. We don’t force it; we don’t force ourselves to be around those we don’t want to be around. We couldn’t possibly do it without lowering our vibration.

You will find that the same is true for all of you. You can force yourselves to be around people you don’t really want to be around, but you will find that you lower your vibration to do so and that you are then relieved when you once again get to choose with whom you associate. This is, of course, a timely message for the holiday season, where people sometimes gather out of obligation. Sometimes they make an appearance just to keep up appearances.

But it is important to remain true to yourselves throughout this holiday season and to not go to the parties and dinners and gatherings that you can feel yourselves lowering your vibration when you even think about attending those particular engagements. Instead, we highly recommend focusing on your own vibration, what does call out to you, what you are attracted to, and notice where it is you want to be in the world, and do allow yourselves the luxury of going to those places, being around the people that you do harmonize with vibrationally, even if that is just yourself, your pet, or Mother Nature and Mother Earth.

Be kind to yourselves during the holidays; be warm in your hearts and open-hearted to those who may want to spend more time with you. But also be willing to send a transmission of love instead of sending your body, and let go of all feelings of guilt, whether they’re coming to you from within or someone outside of you. They do not serve you. You are there to hold a high vibration, and that does mean to love unconditionally, but that does not mean that you have to sacrifice your own vibration in order to be of service to others. You can be of service to others in so many ways and still maintain that high vibration that you want to be in all the time.

That is what we recommend, and we trust that you will all close your eyes, take a deep breath, and ask yourselves where you want to be over the next five weeks or so. And if you’re honest with yourselves, you will be able to absorb more of the energies coming in, you will be able to ground more of them, and you will be able to be of greater service to your fellow humans.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


Having trouble with insomnia?

This seems like a better practice than laying there frustrated because I’ve been awake for 3 hours in the middle of the night…..

Kryon answers your questions…

“Dear Kryon, I recently discovered the Kryon series of books and have been reading them avidly ever since. I read that sleeping patterns can be altered in the new energy. As a teenager, I had trouble with insomnia, which cleared up as I matured physically. Now, it seems to be back. I seem to be noticing a subtle vibration, a tenseness in my body, that prevents me from relaxing, even though my eyes and mind are tired enough to sleep. I’m worried that I can only relax with a glass of wine, even after I’ve taken a prescription sleeping pill. This has been going on for several months now, and I’ve been blaming hormonal changes.”

Dear one, you and many like you are facing the exact same thing. It’s tough to sleep when the bedroom is being renovated! (Kyron humor)

Here is the answer: Don’t be angry when you can’t sleep. You think you need a certain amount to exist? The answer is yes, but Spirit can give you the equivalent of it without you ever having that much! It’s only energy, you know.

So try this:
At a sleepless moment, thank God for this, that you’re being vibrated so much that you can’t sleep — that the energy of DNA change is so great that sleep cannot be accomplished.Ask Spirit to give you the needed energy as though you had slept. If you need seven hours of sleep, then make a deal with God. You get the equivalent of seven hours of sleep (from Spirit) even though you didn’t sleep (in 4D), and you’ll promise to just lie there and smile, and not get angry or frustrated as they work on you!
Take the rest. Don’t get up and do cleaning, or errands either. Don’t read or otherwise occupy yourself. Rest and celebrate.

Then watch this process reveal itself. The next day you will have more energy than you expected. Repeat this often until it no longer bothers you that you’re not seeming to sleep in the way you used to rest.

Just about the time you get used to the whole scenario? Zzzzzzzzzzz (smiles)

Multidimensional Awareness, Light, and Consciousness is Evolving

Multidimensional Awareness, Light, and Consciousness is Evolving
Greetings Dear One,

“Kryon, I’m not really sure I understand how we can be multidimensional. What does that mean?”

Let me give you a hint. Something we have given you before to show you this equipment you have called DNA, called cellular structure, called consciousness, is not simply in your skin.

Your body is in your skin, your consciousness, and the multidimensional parts and pieces of your DNA are immense. Identical twins… Let’s go there again. Identical twins on this planet — do you know any, would you like to speak to them about what I’m going to say next? They’ll tell you.

One can be in one hemisphere of this planet, and another can be in another hemisphere on this planet, but when something happens, that might affect them both, for instance, their Mom’s in trouble. They both know it.

One will pick up the phone, and the other one will answer, and the other one will say, “I felt it. What happened?” In other words, with identical DNA, two Human Beings, two individuals, two consciousnesses are allied in such a fashion that thousands of miles away, they’re getting the same information.

That has a physical nomenclature, a term, a name, and it’s called Entanglement. It is a Quantum aspect, and that is one that is beyond linear.

Entanglement, well known now to Physicists, is something that is astonishing. Where you are so big, if you’re entangled with anything that you could be on another star, another planet, and if something happens here, the other part of you would know it, instantly.

Distance doesn’t matter. Time doesn’t matter. That exists. Ask a physicist. It’s real, and it’s happening even within your DNA.  How big are you? You’re as big as God.

I want you to understand that you have the ability to drop into your Soul, into your heart, to say and have the most benevolent wave of love come over you. Where, actually, that consciousness of yours will stop the rhetoric of all the negative things and say, “It’s all right. I am that I am. I am beyond what I ever will be. I came before I was.”

That is a multidimensional statement, and you will know who you are, helping you to get through all of the strife that is so linear and so now.

There is hope for this planet, dear ones; there is hope. There is a solution, if you will hold onto it, that’s the thought.

That’s the Light! Light is starting to amplify itself, and in the process, it’s disturbing the dark a lot.

And the darkness wants to rise up and tell you it won’t go away, but Light will win this puzzle. Light is already winning in certain areas. Hold fast; know who you are.

I am Kryon, in love with humanity. And so it is.

Excerpt channeled by Lee Carroll on September 1, 2021, during Healing Wednesday.

In tandem with the previous post, I offer this one. The part where Kryon talks about the Light increasing and disturbing the dark felt so true. Truthfully, it mad me smile. Because we have been so beaten down for so long that it feels nice to have it reversed. And the dark is squirming and doing all it can in its limitedness to distract and thwart and stay in power.

It’s not working. Humanity is finally waking from its long sleep, from unconsciousness and fear and limitation, taking back its power, and there’s no going backwards now. You can’t stuff a rising dough back into its previous form. We can’t unknow what we now know. Truth is shining the light on the dark.

Remember that if you start to doubt.