
Never give up, never stop going for the dream.

Universal expansion is in line with your dreams.

Disappointment is temporary.

Massive disappointment today…I just watched this particular video a few days ago, not so ironically.  How was I to know I would need it so quickly? … the first part is not me, I know damn well I created this, but the second part has tips about how to deal with it and I will certainly be using them over the next little while.


2 responses

  1. Thanks for sharing. I have never heard of Teal, but I like her videos. I watched the one about worrying (ha ha) among others …she says the same things I already know, but frames some things differently. I learned a great practice technique from her manifesting money video. Plus, she’s beautiful to look at, and what a unique bio she has.


    • Yes, Teal does teach what I already know, but her perpective, her way of phrasing catches my attention. It’s just another reinforcement for me. Her background is not something I can fathom. Amazing strength and fortitude to come through it. She is beautiful, though her scars are covered by tattoos and hidden inside. She still has flashbacks, she is very human as well as highly connected to spirit. I love finding people like this, fascinating. Glad you enjoyed it.


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